Angie, the monkey
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Angie, the monkey, is a monkey who has a bossy mom. A friend penguin wants to play with her, but she can’t play almost anything; she can just lay down and watch clouds. But that is so boring. Of course, there are limits to what children can play or do, but “helicopter moms” are also a problem in modern society.

Two Little Architects
Format 22×33 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Pivec, Slovenia, 2023
The main protagonists in the book are two little children, Peter and Ana, who are playing and talking about architecture. At first, they are playing with stones, later, they are making a house, from houses they are building a village, city…
The book has comics and questions about architecture with some funny answers.
• Best of the Best, Hiii Illustration 2021, China, 2022
• 3×3 Professional Show No. 19, Merit (for Two Little Architects), New York, 2022
• LAUREATES of the Russian Book Illustration Contest “Image of the Book” (for Two Little Architects), Moscow International Book Fair the winners of the 14th edition of “Image of the Book“, Moscow, Russia 2021

Tonya the Fish
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Miš, Slovenia, 2022
Kalimat, United Arab Emirates, 2024
Tonya is a fish that wants to drive. She wants to drive cars, trucks, diggers, … One day a boy came to the pond to catch some fishes, and he caught her. They rode on the scutter and that was the happiest day in her life.
• 3×3 Professional Show No. 19, Merit (for Tonya the Fish), New York, 2022

We are Pigs
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
The Pigs are completely fresh and are still looking for a Publisher.
Jack and Joe think of them selves as the smartest pigs in the whole world. One day they find an egg and are trying to understand what it is. Could it be a ball, a target or even a Sun? Once they have tried more or less everything with it, the egg cracks. At first they see skinny legs and then.... yet another pig.
• Best Creativity Prize, 1st Oriental Kids Picture Book Award, China, 2020

No, I won’t
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Youth Press Limited, China, 2019
Rosen Publishing, USA, 2021
Timaş Çocuk, Turkey – in preparation
Kalimat, United Arab Emirates, 2021
Kašmir Promet, Croatia, 2023
Crocodile Karl is tired of everyone telling him what to do. He keeps on answering I won’t. His wise and patient mother makes him realize, that this kind of game is not (always) smart.
• Little Hakka Picture Book Competition, Nomination, Shenzhen, China, 2019
• 3×3 Professional Show No.16, Merit, Books&Covers, New York, 2019
• 3×3 Picture book Show No.16, Honorable mention, New York, 2019
• Special Merit at Eight Croatian Biennale of Illustration, Zagreb, Croatia

Robbie the Lion
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
A Walk Through History Publishing House, Russia 2019
Albatros Media, Czech Republic 2019
Youth Press Limited, China 2019
Kasmir promet, Croatia 2019
Kalimat, United Arab Emirates, 2021
Timaş Çocuk, Turkey, 2019
Ektara – Takshila’s Centre for Children’s Literature & Art, Indie, 2019
Baeschlin Verlag, Switzerland, 2020
Pivec, Slovenia, 2021
Carochinha, Brazil, in progress
Robbie is a very sleepy lion, but he can’t fall asleep because everything, everyone, keeps on disturbing him. Finally with the help of a little bird he finds a solution. They go on a trip. After they head to the top of a hill and all the way down they became really tired and our lion can finally fall asleep.
• Robbie the Lion was in the Czech Republic among best children books in the year 2019
• Merit at the 3×3 Picture Book Show No. 15, New York, USA 2018

Stan the Elephant
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Pivec Publishing House, Slovenia 2017
Oxford University Press, Karachi, Pakistan 2017
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, China 2018
Baeschlin Verlag, Switzerland 2018
A Walk Through History Publishing House, Russia 2019
Kasmir Promet, Croatia 2019
Timaş Çocuk, Turčija 2019
Rosen Publishing, ZDA 2019
Ektara – Takshila’s Centre for Children’s Literature & Art, India 2019
ST Unitas (Kidsschole), South Korea, S. Korea, 2021
Kalimat, United Arab Emirates, 2021
Carochinha, Brazil, 2023
Though Stan loves to talk, nobody ever wants to listen to him. He tries to talk to different animals, but with no success. After he almost gives up, he notices a tiny ant, who is eager to hear his stories. They become best friends. Well, you only need one to listen, no matter how big or small he or she may be.
• Little Hakka Picture Book Competition, Nomination, Shenzhen, China, 2019
• LAUREATES of the Russian Book Illustration Contest “Image of the Book“, Moscow International Book Fair the winners of the 12th edition of “Image of the Book“, Moscow, Russia, 2019
• Best of the Best, Hiii Illustration 2017, China, 2018
• Honorary Mention Award for Book Illustration Category, Global Illustration Award, Frankfurt, Germany, 2017
• Gold medal, 3×3 Picture book Show No. 13, New York, USA, 2016

Franky the Anteater
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Modern Press Co., Beijing, China 2016
Timaş Çocuk, Istanbul, Turkey 2016
Zalozba Pivec, Slovenia 2019
Carochinha Editora, Brazil, 2021
Kalimat, United Arab Emirates, 2021
Franky was born with a shortcoming. His tongue is too short and he can’t catch any ants. His brother and sister are always making fun of him and he is very sad. He climbs high to the treetops where he is alone and cries. But then he notices that he can see far, far away, and he discovers a lot of new anthills. Franky becomes famous among anteaters – he may be the one with the short tongue, but he is an expert when it comes to finding food.
• Merit at the 3×3 Picture Book Show No. 14, New York 2017

Format 22×33 cm, 32 strani, trda vezava.
Youth Press Limited, China, 2019
Timaş Çocuk, Turkey, 2020
Tikra Knyga, Lithuania, in progress
The story is about bullying. Two girls are best friends, but one doesn’t allow the other to have other friends or even talk to the others. The story is very simple and encourages the discussion about this quite frequent dynamics between children.
• Honorable mention, 3×3 Picture book Show No. 14 (Friends), New York 2017

The Naughty Pigs
Format 22×33 cm, 32 strani, trda vezava.
Pivec Publishing House, Slovenia 2015
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, Kitajska 2016 Thule Ediciones, Barcelona, Španija 2018
Matcom LTD, Bolgaria, 2023
Tommy pig and Tony pig are best friends, but very naughty. They annoy all the animals in the farmyard where they live – so much that the animals want revenge. The animals punish them in their own way and in the end the pigs mend their ways. But the question is, can we believe them…?
• Merit, 3×3 Picture Book Show No. 15, New York, 2018
• Najlepše oblikovana knjiga na Slovenskem knjižnem sejmu v kategoriji knjige za otroke in mladino, Ljubljana, 2015
• Best of Best, Hiii Illustration 2015, Kitajska, 2016
• Posebna nagrada za inovativen pristop, Peti festival ilustracije knjige »BookILL Fest«, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016
• uprizoritev lutkovne predstave Pobalinska pujsa, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, 2016
• Uvrstitev lutkovne predstave Pobalinska pujsa na festival Zlata Paličica, Ljubljana, 2017
• Best Books, Jiangsu Province, Kitajska, 2017
• Otroški projekt »Pišeki«, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, 2016

The Magic Shell
Format 22×33 cm, 32 strani, trda vezava.
Pivec Publishing House, Slovenia, 2016
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, China 2016
Timaş Çocuk, Istanbul, Turkey 2016
This story is about a girl that cannot walk. She is sad. The animals lead her to the magic shell that tells stories. With the help of the shell she discovers her inner worth.
• The honorable mention, Hiii Illustration 2015, China 2016

Johnny Mosquito
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Pivec Publishing House, Slovenia, 2016
Modern Press Co., Beijing, China 2016
Johnny is a mosquito who is fascinated by his own beauty. But he is lonely. One day at the pond he meets a girl mosquito that also finds herself very beautiful. The girl mosquito bites a little girl and Johnny is very surprised by the fact that the girl mosquito is not satisfied with mere vegetable juice, like he is. In the end both of the self-loving mosquitoes fall in love.

Three Kittens and a Dragon
Format 22×33 cm, 32 strani, trda vezava.
Mladika, Slovenia 2011 – first version of book made in different technique
Modern Press Co., Beijing, China 2016
Timaş Çocuk, Istanbul, Turkey 2016
Pivec, Slovenia, 2020
Baeschlin Verlag, Switzerland, 2023
Everybody in the green field is afraid of the dragon. The animals believe that he is the one responsible for the sudden disappearance of several animals. The three kittens can’t find their mummy and they decide to look for her. On their adventurous and dangerous journey they find out that she and all the other missing animals have disappeared in the underground city built by the mole. And the dragon is in fact a lonesome and friendly creature. He helps them to find their mum and the other animals. All the animals are happy, but the mole is still digging tunnels to repair his underground city. And he’s still digging today.
• Special prize for innovative illustration approach, The 6th Book Illustration Festival BookILL Fest, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2017
• Gold medal, 3×3 Picture book Show No. 13, New York, USA, 2016

Cecilia the Goat and Who Drank All the Water
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Morfem, Slovenia 2014
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, China 2016
In this volume of the Cecilia the Goat series, the animals ask themselves where all the water has gone. Thirsty, they search for it with all their might. They find out that the sun has drunk up the water. They decide that they must prevent this from ever happening again. They make themselves a well and begin to collect rainwater. From then on there will be enough water to last the whole summer, no matter how hard the sun beats down.

Cecilia the Goat
Format 28×28 cm, 32 pages, hardcover.
Morfem, Slovenia 2014
Bicho Esperto, Brazil 2014
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, China 2016
Cecila the goat with her friends is looking to find a place to eat. But after they discover there will not be enough fresh grass for all of them, they start to argue who is better. As they argue, they trample most of the grass and are left emptyhanded.